
I was calling all over the world wide web to find out the best way to move all of our stuff from the in-laws’ basement. I filled out a form online that was supposed to compare and find the best deals. Scarred by the obscene amount of obscene junk mail I get, I am always hesitant to give anyone any information. I entered “dude” as my name. A few minutes later, a nice woman called and asked if “Doodie” were available. If I wouldn’t have been so taken off guard, I would have acted offended and, in my best French accent, said something like, “My name is Mr. Doo-day!”

Unicorn Diet

Julia has been drawing horses lately. I asked her what these two were doing and she answered, “This is a picture of two unicorns fighting over a carrot and a sugar cube.” The one on the right is one ferocious unicorn.

Rise and Shine

Con with Smacker

I was careful to turn off all alarms the night before, but around 7:00 or so, Conrad and Julia climbed into bed with us. Not a problem…except for Julia’s aversion to bed covers and Conrad’s rapid-fire pacifier sucking. Finally, when I was close to giving up and climbing into Julia’s bed, I thought we should talk about it:

Rich: Julia, is this Conrad’s bed?

Julia: No, he’s too small.

Rich: Is this your bed?

Julia: No, I’m too medium size.

Con with Sucker

Spam…but really it’s an excuse to post this photo of Julie…


So, the following was an email I received from Julie, Goddess of the Internet…made me smile.

I have a little less than a million comments in moderation that need to be spammed into outer space, but I can’t get through them all to mark them as spam before my computer says “fatal error. you have exceded the time blah blah” –because there are too damn many of them!!
Should I ignore? do I care?

Book Reviews by Julia – Honk!

Honk!: The Story of a Prima Swanerina

I like Honk because Honk is a great story because Honk really really really goes into the Swan Lake ballet. And Swan Lake is a great movie. I’ve seen the movie too. But it’s a little scary, because in the Swan Lake movie, the swan doesn’t marry the prince, and they die at the end. They don’t marry at all because at one party they don’t usually have the swan princess, and the mean sorcerer tricks the prince. So the swan lake girl is trapped up, and that’s how the mean wizard tricks the prince. And it’s very scary because at the end they really do want to marry each other. All the other princesses that were changed into swans were so beautiful because they all had white dresses and beautiful — like lapis lazuli

Conrad ooh ooh-ooh

Conrad Viking

Conrad has reduced the English language to the bare essentials and now carries on conversations using tones and syllables. “I love you” is now “ooh-ooh,” “Thank you” is “do-do,” and “May I have that, please?” is “do da, de”…Claire and I understand him and respond in tones and syllables. “I love you too” is “ooh-ooh ooh” and “You’re welcome” is “do do-do”.