[qt:https://richandbeautiful.org/mrfox.mov 445 640]
The real version (You have to skip ahead a little):
Conrad told us today that he had teeny-weeny bosoms, but that he had milk. He then explained how the whole process works: a cow makes milk, we drink it, it fills up our bosoms, and we can then feed babies because that can’t hold cups yet.
The Kids…in 3D
I liked all of the photos I took of the kids in their 3D glasses, but this is my favorite because it looks like a band photo.
Jelly Beans
It’s Easter time, so Conrad’s thoughts are mostly about Easter eggs and candy. While taking a bath, he looks down at his…uh…boys…and asks, “Do I have jelly beans in there?”
I asked Claire if I could post this on the blog and she said, “If you must.”
I must.
Old MacDonald’s
Weston and I went to McDonald’s — or Old MacDonald’s as he calls it. The Happy Meal comes with a few choices: nuggets, burger, fries…and, if you want the nuggets, there are a bunch of weird sauces you can get with them. I repeat the choices to Weston and realize this is a very important decision for him. As I wait for an answer, I notice he’s thinking so hard, his ears are wiggling. Now, West is really good at wiggling his ears. He usually does it just to appease his parents, but apparently, it’s more than an amusing human trick.
We are at a restaurant and I ask Conrad how he likes his dinner. He turns his head and says, “Well, it’s just a little pistoss.” Claire seems to understand perfectly, so I ask her what “pistoss” is. She tells me it’s just a word that Conrad has been using lately. I ask Conrad what “pistoss” means and he answers, “Pistoss means stupid.” We told the kids not to use the word “stupid” when talking about people, so Conrad made up his own.
When Harper smiles…
…she also sticks her tongue out at me. I never know if she’s laughing with me or at me.
Polite, the Conrad Way
Rich: Conrad, will you pick up your clothes, please?
Con: No, thank you.
Harper’s Journal
We started a journal for Harper and Julia wanted to illustrate it. This was the first page that Julia did:
Now that’s just inappropriate.
Julia’s friend had a birthday party and everyone was supposed to dress up like rockstars. The whole idea was inspired by Hannah Montana and Julia is not a fan. So, I suggested we paint her face like the band KISS. She, of course, has no idea who KISS is, but went along with the idea anyway. I asked Julia what her friends thought of her face painting and she said, “Well, the adults all seemed to like it.”
The boys felt left out, so we painted their faces as well. Conrad wanted a blonde beard. We couldn’t talk him out of it.